发布日期:2024-01-16 发布机构:宣传部 责任编辑:吴限 阅读次数:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) committee continues to implement National Science Fund Program for Distinguished Young Scholars (Overseas) in 2024, aiming at further improving system of talent funding, bringing the function of introducing and nurturing talents into full play, and attracting outstanding young talents from overseas to (return to) work in China. The declaration of NEAU is announced as follows:
一、项目介绍About the Fund
National Science Fund Program forDistinguished Young Scholars (Overseas) aims to attract and encourage outstanding overseas young scholars (including non-Chinese foreign talents) who have made outstanding achievements in natural science and engineering technology to return (or come) to China to work. NSFC encourages them to conduct innovative research in fields they choose independently for the purposes of prompting fast growths of young scientific and technological talents and cultivating a number of outstanding academic scholars who are expected to reach the world's leading science and technology frontiers, and contributes China's strength in science and technology.
1.具体条件Applicant Requirements
Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, and consciously uphold the spirit of scientists in the new era;
Born after January 1, 1984;
Have a Ph.D. degree;
A major research direction in natural science and engineering technology,etc.;
Before March 15, 2024, you should generally obtain formal teaching or research positions in overseas universities, scientific research institutions and enterprise R & D institutions, and have more than 36 months of continuous working experience. For those who have obtained a doctorate overseas and have achieved particularly outstanding results, the working life requirements may be appropriately relaxed.
Have obtained scientific research or technical achievements recognized by peer experts, and demonstrated the potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in corresponding fields;
Applicants should have not yet returned (or come) to work full-time in China, or returned (or came) to work in China afterJanuary 1,2023. After receiving the funding, applicants should quit overseas jobs or have no overseas jobs and guarantee to work full-time in China for at least three years.
2.限项要求Application Limit
National Science Fund Program forDistinguished Young Scholars (Overseas) implements the requirements of relevant central departments on the overall planning and proper connection of scientific and technological talent plans. Applicants can undertake only one type of project among the same level of national talent plans.Those who have undertaken a project at a higher level may not apply for one at a lower level.
In addition to the national awards, NEAU provides the following benefits:
Directly employed as a professor or researcher and identified as a Ph.D. supervisor;
Annual salary of no less than 500,000 CNY;
One-time living subsidies of no less than600,000 CNY;
Scientific research start-up funds ofno less than2,000,000 CNY; supporting to establish scientific research team;
Implementing the establishment of public institutions and enjoying the corresponding treatment of the staff of public institutions stipulated by the state and Heilongjiang Province; being awarded “Heilongjiang Province High-level Talent Service Card” and enjoying corresponding preferential policies, including accommodation, exit-entry, medical care, travel, etc.;
The university will assist in solving problems such as spouse's workand children's schooling, etc.
A case-by-case approval schemewill beapplied.
四、申请须知Application Guide
Qualified applicants can sign a work contract or intentionalagreement withNEAUin accordance with the requirements of the project guide, log in to the information system afterJanuary15, 2024(https://grants.nsfc.gov.cn/), and fill in theApplicationForm for NSFCDistinguishedYoung ScholarFundProgram(Overseas)online.Applicantsshall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materialssubmitted.
Applicants shall fill in the application form online in simplified Chinese or English according to the requirements of filling instructions and writingoutline, and upload the attachments and other materials.
National Science Fund Program forDistinguished Young Scholars (Overseas) only accepts paperless application. Applicants should submit electronic application form, attachments, impartiality commitment and other materials to Northeast Agricultural University online, and NEAU will review and submit the application to the NSFC online.
五、联系方式Contact Information
NEAU Science and Technology Office
Contact:Mr. Ma Jinglin
Tel:+86-13703621699 (Wechat ID: majinglin003)
NEAU Human Resource Office
Tel:+86-18246924707(Wechat ID:18246924707)
六、学校简介About NEAU:
Northeast Agricultural University is a national “Project 211”key construction university and “world-class disciplines” construction university with the advantages of agricultural science, featuring life science and food science, and coordinating the development of agriculture, engineering, science, economics, management and other disciplines. It is an excellent university jointly built by the people's Government of Heilongjiang Province and the Ministry of Agriculture, and a national “Midwest University Basic Capacity Construction Project” selected university, an excellent institution assessed by the Ministry of Education for undergraduate teaching.
(School website: )
NortheastAgricultural University
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